
LINKS 2023

The Blue Cabin

Sovereign Waterways

Currents and Waves Radio

“how do we occupy space differently?” This question undulates and oscillates throughout currents and waves. Broadcasting experimental audio, interviews, music, soundwalks, environmental recordings and much more, 24 hours a day.

LINKS 2016-17

Mudflats Living

Robert Fresco and Kris Paterson. 1972, 28 min

Bridge/Puente (making of). 2013, 23:15 min

Don’t Cross the Bridge Before You Get to the River.

2008, 7:46 min

Frances Alys

Tsleil-Waututh Nation “People of the Inlet”

2012, 9:31 min

Decolonizing Water

Indigenous-led community-based water monitoring and governance initiative.

Humane Borders – Water Stations

Dehydration and exposure are the cause of most deaths of migrants during border crossings.

Vessel. Past Land, Past Law, Past Permission Women on Waves

Director Diana Whitten. 2014, 1 hour, 26 min

The Water Dwellers

Gordon Sparling. 1963, 15 min

The Intertidal Zone

Creator, David Denning, National Film Board of Canada.1985, 17 min

Habitat 76 Forum & News

Lindsay Brown

Bruna Press – Experimental visual art and writing

Kristina Lee Podesva

Accessibility Manifesto for the Arts

Carmen Papalia,  January, 2018

The Subjective Bus Line. Gdańsk Shipyard.

Warsztat Pracy Lecha Walęsy.Grzegorz Klaman. 2010, 4:20 min

The Route
Chen Chieh-Jen. 2006, 16 min

The Making of a Room for London.

Queen Elizabeth Hall at the London South Bank, Art Angel. Living Architecture, David Kohn Architects, & Fiona Banner. 2011, 5:45 min

Blue Cabin Speaker Series
Multiple Talks about the Blue Cabin, a squatters cabin which existed for over 80 years on North Vancouver’s foreshore.

June – July 2018

The foreshore exists at the edge of the city.

Can we bring it to the centre?

Can there be land that is not property?

What is, as yet, unseen?