29 of September, 7-9pm, Lost & Found Cafe, 33 W Hastings Street
This event is free and open to the public.
Please contact the organizers to let them know if you require assistance to attend and how your needs can be supported.
On September 29, 2018, artist and organizer Carmen Papalia will present a panel of community voices that will pose a vision for accessibility in the wake of a new federal accessibility plan that fails to address ableism and colonization; legislation that could limit grassroots support options and institutionalize support services at a local and federal level. In partnership with Other Sights and the City of Vancouver’s Creative City Strategy, the event will serve as an opportunity to discuss the potential impact of a wide-net approach to accessibility on the cultural and social service sectors.
A panel of speakers will introduce the topic and a series of short presentations by community members will offer perspectives that are underrepresented in the wider conversation about accessibility; outlining the barriers that currently keep those with complex needs from finding support and contributing to the cultural ecology.
Help set a new precedent for criticality in the area of accessibility and join the movement!
This project is supported by the City of Vancouver and Other Sights for Artists’ Projects. For more information on cultural plans and accessibility: http://othersights.ca/